1. Unity
  2. Spiritual Development
  3. Leadership Development
  4. Economic Empowerment
  5. Education
  6. Health.
  7. Environmental Protection

Members believe that the above Pillars are a necessity to the total transformation of a Person. As of late 2015, a number of Councils have been established to take care of any activities and functions aimed at ensuring that the above Pillars are operationalized. These are;

AMDA Councils

  1. The Leisure, Sports and Events Council
  2. The Leadership Development Council
  3. The Media, Press and Communication Council
  4. The Education Development Council
  5. The Spiritual Development Council
  6. The Health and Wellness Council
  7. Environmental Sustainability Council
  8. Sports Council
  9. The AMDA Women’s Council
  10. The AMDA Youth Council

All the Councils work on behalf of the AMDA Executive Committee which is the Executive Leadership for the Association.