During the Caravan, there are talks and interactions with the hosts on each of the 7 pillars, with emphasis on sharing experiences and empowerment of the parishioners. Since the first in 2013, the AMDA Caravan has been to 23 parishes in Mbarara Archdiocese.

 Activities of the AMDA Caravan

During the caravan, a number of activities premised on the 7 pillars of AMDA are carried out as below:

Day 1 of the AMDA Caravan

On Day 1, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Economic Empowerment training

A number of economic empowerment activities are carried out during the caravan that include but are not limited to:

  1. Provision of Hass Avocado Seedlings
  2. Provision of Coffee Seedlings.
  3. Training women on how to bake as a way to supplement their income.
  4. Business Literacy talks
  5. Training on backyard farming/ gardening.
  6. Modern farming Practices and Market Access
  7. Business Skills Training
  1. Legal Clinic: In collaboration with the Uganda Law Society Probono program – there is always a legal clinic as part of the Caravan. Those whose cases require legal representation in courts of law are linked to the ULS Legal Aid Project team from the Mbarara office.
  2. Life skills empowerment Program:  Men, Women and Youth  life skill development Talks are held centering on
  • Family relations
  • Parenting
  • Sanitation and hygiene
  • Food security & Nutrition
  • Alcoholism and Drug abuse
  • Personal and home care
  • Spiritual Development talks targeting Lay apostolate
  • Leadership development
  • Career guidance for youths and students. (Emphasis on educational needs, school management structures and exploring the new curriculum approach)


  1. Environmental Sustainability campaigns: A number of campaigns are carried out Including Tree Planting. The trees planted include Fruit trees and indigenous species. In the past, AMDA has had partnerships with NFA and given out seedlings to all parishes in Mbarara Archdiosece

Day 2 of the AMDA Caravan:

e)The Health Camp

The main deliverable of the annual Caravan is a free medical camp where we have witnessed tens of thousands of people come for free diagnosis and treatment.

The AMDA Medical Camps offer a variety of services including; General healthcare for common illnesses, HIV/TB screening and testing, Cancer screening in collaboration with Uganda Cancer Institute, specialized services like ophthalmology including cataract surgeries, general surgery consultations including minor surgeries, dental services, screening for NCDs, Laboratory Services, among others, integrated with Public health education and promotion.

Even though AMDA is a faith-based organization, all services provided offered at the medical camp are accessed by persons of all denominations.


Table 1: Numbers served at the AMDA Health Camps


Location of Health Camp

Number of Patients Served


Rwera, Ntungamo District



Kitabi, Bushenyi District



Kazo, Kazo District



Rushanje, Rwampara District



Mushanga, Sheema District



Butare, Buhweju District


For its annual health camps, AMDA won the Prestigious Heroes in Health (HIHA) award as Regional Champion Western in 2022.

  1. Caravan Destination 2023-Ibanda district

The AMDA Caravan shall move to Ibanda district in September 2023 (8th -10th), visiting two parishes of Kihani and Ibanda.

Ibanda District borders with the districts of Mbarara to the South, Kiruhura to the East, Buhweju to the west and Kamwenge to the North. The district has 8 Sub counties, 4 town councils and 1 municipal Council, 46 parishes and 590 Villages.

  1. Why you should partner with us

The AMDA Caravan, and especially the Medical camp offers our partners an opportunity for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and visibility among communities that are in ardent need of services

In addition to being part of CSR and visibility as a company/organization, this would be an opportunity to actualize provision of these services offered by your organization/company at grassroots levels through partnership with AMDA at delivering the desired services.

  1. Sponsorship Areas:
  2. The Health Camp: Medicines, Medical Supplies, Facilitation of health workers, Refreshments for patients, Camp set up items (tents, chairs, medical benches, Public Address system, Power, Laboratory equipment, Surgical theatre equipment, etc.)
  3. Education: Scholastic materials (books, pens, rulers, calculators, textbooks), Practical training kits for the new curriculum, Play materials for lower primary, Mathematical Sets, Reading materials, etc.
  4. Economic Empowerment: Seeds, Seedlings, Facilitation for agronomists,training materials, start up Kits for soap making, baking etc
  5. Publicity : This Includes the Caravan Magazine, TV and Radio Talk shows and Adverts
  6. Life skills, Legal,Leadership development and empowerment : Facilitation for Resource persons, Materials for distribution