Speaking during the Mass animated by St Jude AMDA family, Tayebwa said that the journey to his current seat started with some members of AMDA including Buhweju MP Francis Mwijukye who pushed him to go for it even when he had some doubts.
“In Parliament, there was a belief that as the Western Region we have the President and would never be supported by other regions for such a seat as Deputy Speakership. So, I told Mwijukye, won’t I be shamed if I join this race? But he reminded me that people really love me. Then he was joined by Bataringaya, Kateshumbwa and Clare of Isingiro. That’s why I say this started in AMDA,” Tayebwa said.
He added that some youths often wait for other people to believe in them, yet they do qualify for such positions of merit. “Instead of believing in yourself, you wait for other people to believe in you. In the end when you don’t get whatever you were aiming for, you start rambling.”
Hon Tayebwa explained that Uganda is not divided as most people may think. “When I offered myself, it was people from our region that were against me. They asked, who is this Tayebwa and who is his father? Why would it matter whose son I am, as long as I can interpret the law the way I am supposed to?” he wondered.
Tayebwa based on this to advise young people who do not have an already established foundation, to dare to win and stop declaring themselves failures who will never find employment.
“Stop losing hope just because you are not some prominent person’s son or daughter. This country has several opportunities; you just need to be daring. If you decide to join those who are grumbling, you will not get what you are fighting for,” he advised.
The Deputy Speaker and his wife were blessed by the main celebrant to do his work with humility and without any fear.
During the same Mass, Fr Ndugwa urged Christians to always be truthful and avoid being like Pilate who became fearful and told lies. He noted that humility should not just be left to politicians, but that this should be a virtue carried by everyone.
“Be good leaders, have humility, know the truth and do not be scared to tell this truth. Do not be like Pilate who became scared and lied. Let us not just leave this to political leaders only, but let all leaders carry it on and be humble like Christ who did not come to be served, but to serve others,” Fr Ndugwa said in his homily.
He added that if Christ were to look at what is deep inside our houses as Christians, He would weep and heroes would be put to shame. The main celebrant asked the Christians to always be ready to receive Christ in their homes, their lives, country and offices just like the natives of Jerusalem and not end up like the Jews and the Pharisees who praised Christ and later gave him up to be hanged on the cross.
“Let us not hang Christ on the cross due to our bad acts full of corruption, selfishness, and divisiveness. Let us avoid these two contradicting moments and see that Jesus comes into our lives, families, country and in the church world over. Let the Holy week bring us God’s mercy through the passion, death and resurrection of His son, and turn us into good people, so that when our time comes, we may as well reach resurrection with Christ,” he added.
He insisted on humility, hard work, love and focusing on the glory of Christ.
The AMDA chairman Mr. Chris Emanzi applauded the Deputy Speaker Tayebwa for accepting to pray with the association. He also congratulated him upon his election as Deputy Speaker of the 11th Parliament, noting that the AMDA family as a whole is proud of him.
“We pray that the Lord will travel on this journey with you and help you do your work with humility and be just. We received several calls congratulating you. Everyone was calling me as if I had become the Deputy speaker myself. We believe in you and hope that your leadership in parliament will have a positive impact on our population. We want to see parliament pronounce itself on issues like corruption and unemployment,” Emanzi said.
He also called upon the deputy speaker to ensure that during his tenure in office, more money is invested in agriculture and health. Adding that the COVID-19 pandemic was a test that undressed our health sector and that this should not happen again. The chairman promised that members of Amda will be praying for him always.
Mrs. Christine Ampe the chairperson St Jude Amda family applauded her members for showing up in big numbers and contributing to the Lubaga project. She further thanked the main celebrant Fr Ndugwa for accepting to celebrate Mass with them, having traveled from Mbarara.
She thanked Hon Tayebwa for accepting to be their chief guest, and also as a member of their family. St Jude was the first Amda cell to be formulated in 2016 and has the biggest membership among all cells. Also, all AMDA EXCO are members of the same cell, except one person, who is also in their neighborhood. Ms. Christine however says this was just a coincidence.
St Jude cell is made up of members who reside in the areas of Kisaasi, Kulambilo, Bukoto, Kyanja, Kungu, Komamboga, Kanyanya Mpelerwe, and Ntinda.
The Mass was also attended by former Chief Justice Bart Magunda Katureebe, several MPs, Commissioners among other Christians.